Uttarakhand Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana

Submitted by pradeep on Tue, 18/02/2025 - 17:07
Uttarakhand CM
Scheme Open
Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana Details
  • Making women self-reliant by promoting them for self employment.
  • Each women will receive a grant up to Rs 1.5 lakh.
  • Women can start their own business in various pre-defined categories.
Customer Care
  • Uttarakhand Women and Child Development Contact Number : - 0135-2775814
  • Uttarakhand Women and Child Development Email Helpdesk : - dir.icds.ua@gmail.com
Summary of the Scheme
Name of Scheme Uttarakhand Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana
Launched Year 2024

Grant up to Rs 1.5 lakh

Beneficiaries Single women's of Uttarakhand.
Nodal Department Women Empowerment and Child Development of Uttarakhand.
Subscription Subscribe Here to Get Update Regarding Scheme.
Mode of Apply Through Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana Application Form.

Scheme Introduction: A Brief Overview

  • The Uttarakhand state government is always ready to promote women and self employment across the state.
  • To achieve this, they have introduced various schemes in recent times.
  • But there are some women who are still unable to receive benefits of these schemes and remain uncovered.
  • To this void, the Uttarakhand government has recently announced a new initiative called "Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana".
  • This scheme is also known by other names such as; "Uttarakhand Chief Minister Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana" or "Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Scheme".
  • Under this scheme, the state government will provide a grant up to Rs 1.5 lakhs.
  • If a woman wants to start a business worth Rs 2 lakh, she will be provided a grant of 75% and the remaining amount is to be paid by the beneficiaries.
  • The assistance provided under the Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana can be used to start a business.
  • The main objective of the scheme is to promote self employment and making women self reliant.
  • Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana benefits will be provided to such single women who are widow, abandoned, transgender, victims of crime or acid attacks, or those with minor or unmarried children.
  • To receive scheme benefits the age of the Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana beneficiary women should be between 21 to 50 years.
  • Grant benefits under the scheme will be provided to such women who want to start their business in Agriculture, Gardening, Animal husbandry, Plumbing, Data Entry, Beauty Parlor, Electrician, Poultry Farming etc.
  • The government aims to extend the benefits of Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana benefits to 2,000 women in its inaugural year.
  • Eligible women must apply for the scheme as its benefits will be provided on a first come, first served basis.
  • Beneficiary women can submit their Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana Application form through the given mode.
  • A district level committee will be formed by the authority to screen the received application form.
  • As last updated, the official guidelines of Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana are not released.
  • As soon as we receive any updates about it, the same will be updated here.
  • Beneficiaries users must subscribe to our page for the latest updates.

Scheme Benefits

  • Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana aims to provide following benefits to the single women of Uttarakhand : -
    • To make women self-reliant by promoting self employment.
    • A grant of 75%, up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh will be provided to start self employment worth Rs 2 lakh.
    • Grant can be used to start businesses like : -
      • Agriculture.
      • Gardening.
      • Animal husbandry.
      • Plumbing.
      • Data Entry.
      • Beauty Parlor.
      • Electrician.
      • Poultry Farming etc.

Eligibility Requirement

  • Benefits of Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana will be provided to single women's who fulfills its following eligibility criteria : -
    • Applicants must be domiciled residents of Uttarakhand.
    • Women's age should be between 21 to 50 years.
    • If women is a :
      • Abandoned.
      • Transgender.
      • Victim of crime or acid attacks.
      • Women with minor or unmarried Children.

Required Documents

  • Eligible women beneficiaries must produce their following documents when applying for the Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana : -
    • Aadhaar Card.
    • Address Proof.
    • Domiciled Certificate.
    • Age Proof.
    • Income Certificate.
    • Husband Death Certificate.
    • Bank Passbook.
    • PAN Card..
    • Passport Size photograph.
    • Other as mentioned in the scheme guidelines.

Steps to Apply

  • Eligible women can apply for the Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana to receive its benefits.
  • As the scheme is just announced, its application submission details are yet to be shared.
  • Thus, we cannot predict, whether applications for Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana will be invited online or offline.
  • Once we receive its application details, we will update them here.
  • It is to be understood that the applications received by the district level committee will go through screening process.
  • Under this, applicants eligibility and others criteria will be verified.
  • Benefits of the scheme will be provided on a first come, first served basis.
  • In a given financial year, only two thousands applicants are going to receive scheme's benefits.
  • If you are interested and want to receive benefits of the Ekal Mahila Swarojgar Yojana, submit your application as it becomes available.

Relevant Links

Contact Information

  • Uttarakhand Women and Child Development Contact Number : - 0135-2775814
  • Uttarakhand Women and Child Development Email Helpdesk : - dir.icds.ua@gmail.com

Matching schemes for sector: Fund Support

Sno CM Scheme Govt
1 स्टार्टअप उत्तराखंड योजना Uttarakhand
2 Uttarakhand Mukhyamantri Ekal Mahila Swarozgar Yojana Uttarakhand
3 Uttarakhand Chief Minister Women Sustainable Livelihood Scheme Uttarakhand
4 Uttarakhand Lakhpati Didi Scheme Uttarakhand
5 Uttarakhand Veer Chandra Garhwali Paryatan Swarozgar Yojana Uttarakhand
6 Uttarakhand Deen Dayal Upadhyay Greh Awas Vikas Yojana Uttarakhand
7 उत्तराखण्ड शादी हेतु अनुदान योजना Uttarakhand
8 उत्तराखण्ड निर्माण श्रमिक पुत्र/ पुत्री शिक्षा सहायता योजना Uttarakhand
9 उत्तराखण्ड निर्माण श्रमिक टूलकिट सहायता योजना Uttarakhand
10 उत्तराखण्ड निर्माण श्रमिक शौचालय निर्माण आर्थिक सहायता योजना Uttarakhand
11 उत्तराखण्ड निर्माण श्रमिक प्रसूति आर्थिक सहायता योजना Uttarakhand
12 उत्तराखण्ड निर्माण श्रमिक मृत्योपरान्त आर्थिक सहायता योजना Uttarakhand
13 उत्तराखण्ड निर्माण श्रमिक विवाह सहायता योजना Uttarakhand
14 उत्तराखण्ड दिव्यांग युवक/युवती विवाह प्रोत्साहन योजना Uttarakhand
15 उत्तराखण्ड ईजा बोई शगुन योजना Uttarakhand
16 उत्तराखण्ड मुख्यमंत्री अल्पसंख्यक प्रोत्साहन योजना Uttarakhand
17 उत्तराखण्ड मुख्यमंत्री अल्पसंख्यक मेधावी बालिका प्रोत्साहन योजना Uttarakhand

Matching schemes for sector: Fund Support

Sno CM Scheme Govt
1 Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana(PMAY) – Housing for All CENTRAL GOVT
2 Yudh Samman Yojana CENTRAL GOVT
3 Nikshay Poshan Yojana CENTRAL GOVT

Matching schemes for sector: Business

Sno CM Scheme Govt
1 Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups CENTRAL GOVT
2 Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme CENTRAL GOVT

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