Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana

Submitted by shahrukh on Sat, 15/02/2025 - 12:00
Maharashtra CM
Scheme Open
Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana Logo.
  • Each beneficiary will receive an assistance of Rs 1.20 lakh for house construction.
  • Hilly areas beneficiaries will receive Rs 1.30 Lakh for house construction.
  • Assistance amount will be credited in installments.
  • Beneficiaries will receive the assistance amount in their respective bank account.
  • 10 lakh houses to be constructed in next three years.
Customer Care
  • Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana Helpline Number :- 18001208040.
  • Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department Helpline Number :-
    • 022-22823821.
    • 022-22823820.

Summary of the Scheme

Name of Scheme Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana.
Launched Year 2023.
Benefits Assistance will be provided for house construction.
Beneficiaries Other Backward Class (OBC) Community People of Maharashtra.
Nodal Department Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department, Maharashtra.
Subscription Subscribe here to get Update Regarding Scheme
Mode of Application Through Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana Application Form.

Scheme Introduction: A Brief Overview

  • Once in a life, everyone must have a dream to have their own house, regardless of its size.
  • In Maharashtra many people are still forced to live in thatched or crude houses, slum areas, yet they dream of having their own home one day.
  • Fulfilling their dreams, the state government has come up with a scheme known as 'Homes for All'.
  • Through this scheme, the Maharashtra government is trying to provide a concrete house to people currently living in slums or thatched houses.
  • To fulfil this dream, the government has introduced various schemes under their 'Home for All' such as : -
  • These schemes are mainly for the deprived people who are unable to construct a house of their own due to financial constraints.
  • However, in these schemes the government covers almost each and every category except the Other Backward Class beneficiaries.
  • Considering this void, the state government has come up with a new initiative called "Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana".
  • The said scheme was announced by the Maharashtra government in their 2023-24 budget.
  • Under the scheme, the government has promised to provide financial assistance to homeless families.
  • For this, the government will provide assistance to nearly 10 lakh beneficiaries in the next three years.
  • It means, 10 lakh new houses will be constructed under the Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana in the next three years.
  • Assistance will be provided to such beneficiaries who have a land to construct a house and are currently homeless.
  • The minimum land requirement to construct a house under the scheme is 269 sq. ft.
  • Beneficiaries in regular areas will receive assistance of Rs 1.20 lakh, whereas hilly areas beneficiaries will get Rs 1.30 Lakh.
  • Assistance provided under the Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana will be credited to beneficiaries bank accounts.
  • Benefits of Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana will be provided to such OBC beneficiaries : -
    • One whose names are listed on the Awas Plus waiting list and are living in rural areas.
    • Individuals registered on the Awas Plus but rejected due to the automatic system.
    • Applicants recommended by the district selection committee.
  • Authority will prepare a list of beneficiaries prioritizing on specific conditions, including : -
    • Widows, abandoned women, family heads.
    • Beneficiaries of flood affected areas, communal riots victims, or those affected by natural calamities.
    • Disabled persons.
  • Beneficiaries are also eligible for incentive subsidy of Rs 12,000/- for toilet construction under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
  • Meanwhile, eligible beneficiaries who do not have their own land to construct a house will receive a subsidy of Rs 50,000/- to buy a land up to 500 sq. ft. under state Kranti Jyoti Savitribai Phule Gharkul Space Purchase Financial Assistance Scheme.
  • Selected beneficiaries can apply for the Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana offline.
  • Application form for Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana can be obtained from gram sabha or department office.
  • To oversee the scheem implementation, the government has appointed Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department its nodal department.

Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana 2024 Information

Scheme Benefits

  • Beneficiaries are entitled to receive following benefits under the Maharashtra government housing scheme known as "Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana".
    • Each beneficiary will receive an assistance of Rs 1.20 lakh for house construction.
    • Hilly areas beneficiaries will receive Rs 1.30 Lakh for house construction.
    • Assistance amount will be credited in installments.
    • Beneficiaries will receive the assistance amount in their respective bank account.
    • 10 lakh houses to be constructed in next three years.

Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana Information.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Beneficiaries who meet the below mentioned eligibility conditions are eligible to receive the benefit of Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana :-
    • Beneficiary should be a Permanent Resident of Maharashtra.
    • Beneficiary must be residing in Maharashtra for at least 15 years/
    • Beneficiary should belong to OBC Category.
    • Beneficiary should not have his own House.
    • Beneficiary are not availing benefit of other Housing Scheme of Central or Maharashtra Government.
    • Annual income of the beneficiary family should be less than Rs. 1.20 Lakh.
    • Beneficiary must have their own land minimum 269 sq. ft.
    • Benefit will be provided only once to each beneficiaries.

Required Documents

  • The expected documents required to avail the benefit of Constructed House under Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana of Maharashtra Government are as follows :-
    • Transcript of Property register in Gram Panchayat or Certificate issued from Gram Panchayat.
    • Residence Proof of Maharashtra.
    • Applicant Aadhar Card.
    • Attested Copy of Caste Certificate.
    • Income Certificate.
    • Ration Card.
    • Election ID Card.
    • MNREGA Job Card.
    • Passport Size Photograph.
    • Bank Account Passbook.
    • Mobile Number.

Steps to Apply

  • Government of Maharashtra announced Modi Gharkul Awas Yojana in their budget of 2023-2024.
  • Beneficiaries of following categories are eligible to apply for the scheme : -
    • Beneficiary in the waiting list of Awas Plus or rejected due to automatic system and recommended by District Selection Committee are eligible for this scheme.
  • Applicant need to obtain the Modi Gharkul Awas Yojana application form.
  • Provide all the details requested in the scheme application form.
  • Attach the necessary documents required for the scheme.
  • Submit this application form to the Sarpanch or Gram Sevak office.
  • Authorities will inspect the site (land) of the beneficiaries.
  • Applicants must share the details and documents with the officials during inspection.
  • Once the details and document verification process is completed authority will issue the assistance amount.

Relevant Links

Contact Information

  • Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana Helpline Number :- 18001208040.
  • Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department Helpline Number :-
    • 022-22823821.
    • 022-22823820.
  • Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department, Maharashtra Government,
    Annex Building - 139, First Floor,
    Mantralaya, Madam Cama Road,
    Hutatma Rajguru Chawk,
    Mumbai - 400032.

Matching schemes for sector: Housing

Sno CM Scheme Govt
1 Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana Maharashtra
2 Maharashtra Ramai Awas Yojana Maharashtra

Matching schemes for sector: Housing

Sno CM Scheme Govt


Your Name
Sandip suresh mestry

मी संदिप सुरेश मेस्त्री मला घर नाही मी भड्याने राहतो मला घरकुल योजना अंतर्गत घर मिळावे

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किरण लहू चौधरी

माझे घर खुप जुने झाले आहे. आणि ते पडण्याच्या स्थिती मध्ये आहे. मी व माझे कुटुंब सध्या दुसऱ्यांच्या घराचा आसरा घेत आहे. आजू बाजूंच्या लोकांना पण धाक वाटत आहे. ते तक्रार करत आहे. तरी तुम्हाला माझी ही नम्र विनंती



Mla Aaj parent gharkul nahi bhetaych
Maze vadil melya mulhe rahanya sathi ghr bandn zal nahi


गावात स्वतः ची मोकळी जागा आहे लाकडी झोपडी होती परंतु ती पण मोडुन पडलीं आहे लवकरात लवकर विचार करावा.. धन्यवाद

In reply to by Hiralal jamsin… (not verified)


Your Name
Narhari Raut

Gharkul yojana releted



लवकर करावे



Mala ajun swatache Ghar nahi manun mi application karat ahe from Nashik



घराची गरज आहे घरकुल मिळावे ही नम्र विनंती एस टी एस टी हिंदू कोकणी मुक्काम चिंचपाडा पोस्ट बोधगाव तालुका साक्री जिल्हा धुळे



माझी परिस्थिती गरिबीची आहे व आता वय झालं लाकडी पत्रें ची झोपडी होती परंतु तेही पडलं आहे घरं बांधण्यासाठी जागा आहे पण बांधकाम करू शकत नाही तरी कृपा करून सरकारने सहकार्य करावे हि नम्र विनंती



घरकुल मध्ये एखादा व्यक्ती मरण पावले असेल तर त्यांच्या पत्नी ला वारसन म्हणून घर मिळते पण त्यांना cast certificate अनिवार्य केल्यामुळे त्या म्हातारी महिलांना खूप त्रास होत आहे, त्या साठी दुसरा काही उपाय आहे का



घरकुल मध्ये एखादा व्यक्ती मरण पावले असेल तर त्यांच्या पत्नी ला वारसन म्हणून घर मिळते पण त्यांना cast certificate अनिवार्य केल्यामुळे त्या म्हातारी महिलांना खूप त्रास होत आहे, त्या साठी दुसरा काही उपाय आहे का


Your Name
Sayog duryodhan Tayde



Your Name
Rohit Mali



Your Name
Ganpat badhiye

घरकुल योजना मला लाभ घ्याचा आहे तर आपण मला ४०००००₹ द्यावे


Your Name
Akanksha bhalerao

Amhala amchya gharkulyadit nav ale asun ajun Ghar bandhun nahi milale


Your Name
Akanksha bhalerao

Amhala amchya gharkulyadit nav ale asun ajun Ghar bandhun nahi milale


Your Name
Ramesh Gaikwad

Sir pavsamule amche ghar padle ahe tari aapan tari apan panchnama karun Navin ghar bhandnyasati madat karavi


Your Name
Maroti sidam

मु,पो, नांदा ता,कोरपना जि, चंद्रपूर


Your Name

Gharkul che hapte padat ny
Love kartat lavker ky tri kra 10.lack detat na mg hpte ka thable papers ready na mg, khot wagu nka. 💔


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समाधान अभिमन पवार

जि नाशिक ता देवळा मु प्र माळवाडी

गावाचे नाव फूले माळवाडी आहे

माला रानेसाठी घर नाही

या योजनेचा लाभ भेटुदे


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FARHIN Juned sheikh

Aamcha swatacha ghar nahi aahe ,aamhi obc category che aahot.


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Farid Hucche

Garkul yojana milana


Your Name
Sneha Godur

Mera naam sneha Godur hai mai Nagpur Maharashtra ki rahnewali hu meri age 26 hai abhi or private job karti hu jisme mujhe kewal 10-12 hajar hi mil pate hai jisme ghar ka kharcha or ghar ka kiraya nikal pana mushkil ho jata hai to please aap mujhe subcidy dekar mujhe gharkul yojna ka labh uthane ka mouka pradan kare ...ham kafi saalo se kiraye par rah rahe hai .... paristhiti thik nahi hone ki wajah se hmara apna koi ghar nahi or abhi itni mahngai me property ka rate jyada hone ki wajah se mai itna paisa jma nahi kar pa rahi hu to mai chahti hu ki apne pariwar ko madad ki tor par ek ghar ki suvidha pradhan karu....meri is samsya ko samjhkar meri madad kare....Dhanyawad


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Ham gareeb hai mujhe bhi nahi hai pata nahi hai hamare ghar tuta gya hai


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माननीय साहेब,
मि नामे प्रशांत गणेश बोरकर रा आंधळगाव ता मोहाडी जि भंडारा येथे राहत असून मला घरकुलची अत्यंत आवश्यकता असल्याने आपणास विनंती आहे की मला आपल्या मार्फत घर कुल पात्र करून लाभ देण्याची कृपा करावी. हि विनंती

प्रशांत गणेश बोरकर
त मोहाडी
जि. भंडारा


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Ashish bhaurao girhepunje

Modi awas Yojana

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