Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana

Submitted by shahrukh on Mon, 17/02/2025 - 16:26
Maharashtra CM
Scheme Open
Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana Logo
  • Annual Financial Assistance of Rs. 6,000/- to all Farmers.
  • Assistance will be Provided in 3 equal Instalments of Rs 2,000/-.
Customer Care
  • Maharashtra Department of Agriculture Helpline Number :- 020-25538755.
  • Maharashtra Department of Agriculture Helpdesk Email :-
Summary of the Scheme
Name of Scheme Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana.
Launched Year 2023.
Benefits Annual Assistance of Rs. 6,000/-
Beneficiaries Farmers of Maharashtra.
Official Portal Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana Website.
Nodal Department Department of Agriculture, Maharashtra Government.
Subscription Subscribe Here to get Update Regarding Scheme.
Mode of Apply No Need to Apply Separately.

Scheme Introduction: A Brief Overview

  • Lots of People's income depends on Agricultural and related services in Maharashtra.
  • But this income is not permanent and keeps fluctuating according to several factors like production etc.
  • To secure the income of farmers, Government of India started Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, providing an annual assistance of Rs 6,000/- to all eligible farmers.
  • To assist farmers more, Government of Maharashtra launched the Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana on the lines of PM KISAN Yojana.
  • The main objective behind launching Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana is to support farmers by providing them yearly financial assistance to secure their income.
  • This scheme is also called "Maharashtra Farmer Financial Assistance Scheme" or "Maharashtra Farmer Samman Nidhi Yojana" or "Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Scheme" or "महाराष्ट्र नमो शेतकरी महा सन्मान निधी योजना".
  • Under Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana, Government of Maharashtra will provide Rs. 6,000/- per year to farmers of Maharashtra.
  • This amount is Rs. 6,000/- is different from the amount of Rs. 6,000/- provided to farmers under PM KISAN Yojana.
  • Financial Assistance in Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana will be provided to all farmers in 3 Equal Instalments.
  • Every Instalment of Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana is of Rs. 2,000/- each.
  • Every four months, the instalment of Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana will be credited in the bank account of farmers.
  • Through this, Farmers of Maharashtra will get Rs. 12,000/- per year which can be enough for farmers to tackle the arise of untoward financial situation.
  • Every Farmer who is availing the benefit of PM KISAN Scheme are automatically eligible to get financial assistance under Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana.
  • There is no need register separately for the Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana.
  • Farmers List of Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana is available in the District Office of Agriculture Department.
  • It is to be estimated that more than 1.5 Crore Farmers of Maharashtra will get benefitted of Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi Yojana.
  • Eligible farmers are not required to submit Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana application form separately either online or offline.
  • Farmers eligible under PM KISAN Yojana will automatically receive benefits of Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana.
  • Maharashtra Government also launched the Official Website of Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana.
  • Farmers can visit and check the Application Status and Installment Amount Status of Maharashtra Government's Namo Shetkari Maha Sanman Nidhi Yojana.

Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana Benefits.

Scheme Benefits

  • Government of Maharashtra will provide the following yearly financial assistance to farmers under its Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana :-
    • Financial Assistance of Rs. 6,000/- per Year to all Farmers.
    • This Assistance will be Provided in 3 equal Instalments of Rs 2,000/- in every 4 Months.

Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana Information.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The below mentioned eligibility conditions are required to be fulfilled to avail the benefit of financial assistance under Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana : -

Required Documents

  • The following documents will be required to avail the benefit of yearly financial assistance provided under Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana :-
    • Residence Proof of Maharashtra.
    • Aadhar Card of Farmer.
    • Voter Identity Card.
    • Mobile Number.
    • PM-KISAN Registration Number.
    • Agricultural Land Related Documents.
    • Bank Account Details.

Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana Status.

Steps to Apply

How to Search Name in Beneficiary List

Relevant Links

Contact Information

  • Maharashtra Department of Agriculture Helpline Number :- 020-25538755.
  • Maharashtra Department of Agriculture Helpdesk Email :-
  • Commissionerate of Agriculture, Maharashtra Government,
    2nd Floor, Central Building,
    Pune Station, Pune,
    Maharashtra - 411001.


In reply to by Virbhadra sang… (not verified)


Your Name
Vishnu Bhimrao Gutthe

मला PM KISAN चे पैसे आले नमो शेतकरी चा पण एक हफ्ता पडला आनि आता हफ्ता आला नाही मला माझा हफ्ता मिळावा हि विनंती


Muje rehaneke liye ghar nahi he
meri family he es liye muje gharkul ki avaskta he please



मी गुणवंत सोपानराव गवळी राहणार अमानी तालुका मालेगाव जिल्हा वाशिम . येथे माझी शेती आहे . काही वर्षे मी वैजापूर तालुका वैजापूर जिल्हा संभाजीनगर येथे माझी कृषी सेवा दुकान होती ती corana काळात बंद पडली . आज मी शेतमजुरी करतो . पण मला शेतकरी सन्मान निधी मिळत नाही . तरी माझा विचार करावा



I am benefishiry of pm Kisan samman nidhi yojana, what shall i do to become a benefishiry of maharashtra govt. Namo shetkari yojana



how to apply for additional amount in Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi. i want to apply for my father



नमो शेतकरी योजना






Me kailas meshram rahanar jamni तालुका chimur जिल्हा chandrapur . येथे माझी शेती आहे . काही वर्षे मी tadoba madhe kam kart hoto corana काळात बंद padala . आज मी शेतमजुरी करतो . पण मला शेतकरी सन्मान निधी मिळत नाही . तरी माझा विचार करावा



At Tavadi Taluka Phaltan Dist Satara Maharashtra India



1 st.installments not done from maharashtra state plz date announce we waiting for sanman yojana



नमो शेतकरी महासन्मान निधी योजनेची घोषणा करून 6 महिने आटोपली अजून काही पहिल्या हफत्याच लाभ शेतकऱ्यांना मिळालेलं नाही.
नुसतं घोषणा करायचं लाभ काहीच मिळत नाही



माझा फार्म सरेंडर झाला आहे आणि माझा नोदणी क्रमांक डब्लिकेत आहे मला pm kisan yojna yojna लाभ मिळत नाही


Your Name
Dattaraj Shinde

दत्तराज भालचंद्र शिंदे जनकल्याण दत्त मंदिर सोसायटी खाजा वस्ती


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Krushna keshav game



Your Name

my father mistakenly surrender pm kisan how to recover it

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