- 50,000 Constructed Houses will be provided to VJNT and Dhangar Community.
- Constructed house will be distributed equally among Vimukta Jati and Nomadic Tribes and Dhangar Community.
- The Area of Constructed House will be 269 Square Feet.
- Government also provides Financial assistance of
- Rs 1,30,000/- to the beneficiary who is living in a hilly area.
- Rs 1,20,000/- to the beneficiary who are living in the General area.
- Benefits will be provided every year to 20 families of 3 villages among 34 district (Except Mumbai and B. Mumbai)
- Families living in tents, widow, divorcee, handicapped and people affected from flood will be prioritze.
Customer Care
- Maharashtra Department, Schemes, Program Related Query Toll Free Number :-18001208040.
- Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department Helpline Number :-
- 022-22823821.
- 022-22823820.
- Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department Helpdesk Email:- jdvjnt@maharashtra.gov.in.
- Maharashtra Social Justice and Special Assistance Department Helpline Number :-
- 022-22025251.
- 022-22028660.
- Maharashtra Social Justice and Special Assistance Department Helpdesk Email :- min.socjustice@maharashtra.gov.in.
Summary of the Scheme
Name of Scheme | Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana. |
Benefits |
Beneficiary |
Nodal Department | Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department, Maharashtra. |
Subscription | Subscribe here to get Update Regarding Scheme |
Mode of Apply | Through Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana Offline Application Form . |
Scheme Introduction: A Brief Overview
- Owning a house is dream of many, if you are residing in metro cities then it become more important.
- A huge number of people in Maharashtra are still homeless and resort to stay in thatched houses, slums area, tents or in kuccha houses.
- Some of them have land but due to financial constraints they are unable to construct one. while others are still struggling for a piece of land.
- Seeking this, the Maharashtra Government come up with a scheme called "Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana".
- The main objective of this scheme is to improve the standard of living of such people by providing them with a well constructed house or by providing financial assistance to build the house.
- Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department of Maharashtra Government is the nodal department of this scheme.
- Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana is also known by some other names such as : -
- "Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Scheme."
- "Yashwantrao Chavan Free Colony Scheme".
- In the budget announcement of 2023-2024, Government of Maharashtra announced a budget of Rs. 600/- Crore for Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana.
- Under Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana, Government of Maharashtra will provide 50,000 constructed houses to all the eligible people.
- Out of 50,000 constructed houses, 25,000 constructed house will be provided to Vimukta Jati and Nomadic Tribes and remaining 25,000 constructed houses will be provided to people belonging to Dhangar Community
- The Colonies will be constructed with a group of 20 families/ 20 Houses.
- Apart from the constructed houses, the following facilities will also provided in the newly constructed colonies under Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana :-
- Internal Roads.
- Drainages.
- Water Supply.
- Electricity Connection.
- Community Halls. (Samaj Mandir)
- People with an annual income more than Rs 1.2 lakh are not eligible to receive Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana benefit.
- Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana comes with a provision that if someone owns a land they will provide an assistance of Rs 1,30,000/- (Hilly areas) and Rs 1,20,000/- (General Area) to construct a house.
- Eligible Beneficiary can apply for the Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana through Offline Application Form which are available at District Office of Assistance Commissioner.
Scheme Benefits
- The following benefits will be provided to all eligible beneficiaries under Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana :-
- 50,000 Constructed Houses will be provided to VJNT and Dhangar Community.
- Constructed house will be distributed among the Communities in the following ways : -
Category Number of Houses Vimukta Jati and
Nomadic Tribes.25,000 Dhangar Community. 25,000 - The Area of Constructed House will be 269 Square Feet.
- Government also provides the following Financial assistance to the individual beneficiary who owns land for construction of a house :-
- Rs 1,30,000/- to the beneficiary who is living in a hilly area.
- Rs 1,20,000/- to the beneficiary who are living in the General area.
- Benefits will be provided every year to 20 families of 3 villages among 34 district (Except Mumbai and B.Mumbai)
- Families living in tents, widow, divorcee, handicapped and people affected from flood will be prioritze.
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants should be Permanent Residents of Maharashtra.
- Applicants should be homeless and should not have his/her own house .
- Annual Income of Applicant Family should not be more than Rs 1,20,000/-.
- Applicants should belong to any of the below mentioned categories :-
- Vimukta Jati and Nomadic Tribes (VJNTs ).
- Dhangar Community.
- Applicant should be living with his/ her family in tent or huts or kuccha house.
- Applicants should not be a beneficiary of any other housing scheme of Maharashtra.
- Applicants must be residing at one place for Minimum 6 months and rest 6 months for its livelihood travel village to village.
Required Documents
- The below mentioned documents are required at the time filling the application form of Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana :-
- Residence Proof/ Domicile Certificate.
- Bank Account Details.
- Caste Certificate.
- Income Certificate.
- Aadhaar Card.
- Disabled Certificate. (for Disabled Person)
- Husband's Death Certificate. (For Widow Women)
- Wife's Death Certificate (For Widower Men).
- Parents Death Certificate (For Orphan).
- Passport Size Photo.
- Mobile Number.
Steps to Apply
- Beneficiaries can avail the benefit of Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana by filling Offline Application Form .
- Offline Application Form of Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana will be available free of cost at the Office of Assistant Commissioner of the Concerned District.
- Collect the application form and fill it carefully.
- Attach all the needed documents with the Application Form.
- Submit the Application Form of Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana in the same District Office of Assistant Commissioner.
- Received Application Forms along with documents will be scrutinized by the officials of the concerned department.
- After verification, the list of selected beneficiaries will be prepared and the beneficiary will be notified on their mobile phone through SMS or Email.
- Selected Beneficiaries will get free of cost constructed house or assistance for constructing a house under Maharashtra Yashwant Rao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana.
Relevant Links
- Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department Portal.
- Maharashtra Social Justice and Special Assistance Department Portal.
- Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vasahat Yojana Guidelines.
Contact Information
- Maharashtra Department, Schemes, Program Related Query Toll Free Number :-18001208040.
- Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department Helpline Number :-
- 022-22823821.
- 022-22823820.
- Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department Helpdesk Email:- jdvjnt@maharashtra.gov.in.
- Maharashtra Social Justice and Special Assistance Department Helpline Number :-
- 022-22025251.
- 022-22028660.
- Maharashtra Social Justice and Special Assistance Department Helpdesk Email :- min.socjustice@maharashtra.gov.in.
- Maharashtra Other Backward Bahujan Welfare Department, Maharashtra,
1st Floor, Annex Building, Mantralaya,
Madam Cama Road, Hutatma Rajguru Chawk,
Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400032.
Scheme Forum
Caste | Person Type | Scheme Type | Govt |
Matching schemes for sector: Financial Assistance
Sno | CM | Scheme | Govt |
1 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Lek Ladki Scheme | Maharashtra |
2 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Namo Shetkari Maha Samman Nidhi Yojana | Maharashtra |
3 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana | Maharashtra |
4 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Mukhyamantri Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana | Maharashtra |
5 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Chief Minister Mazhi Ladki Bahin Scheme | Maharashtra |
6 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Pink E Rickshaw Scheme | Maharashtra |
Matching schemes for sector: Housing
Sno | CM | Scheme | Govt |
1 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana | Maharashtra |
2 | ![]() |
Maharashtra Ramai Awas Yojana | Maharashtra |
Matching schemes for sector: Housing
Sno | CM | Scheme | Govt |
1 | ![]() |
PM Uday Scheme | CENTRAL GOVT |
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