Assam Pragyan Bharati Scheme

Submitted by vishaka on Tue, 18/02/2025 - 17:22
Assam CM
Scheme Open
Assam Pragyan Bharati Scheme Logo.
  • Free of Cost Scooty will be provided to Girl Students.
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Summary of the Scheme

Name of Scheme Assam Pragyan Bharati Scheme.
Launched In 2020.
Benefits Free Scooty.
Beneficiaries Girl's Students of Assam.
Nodal Ministry Department of Higher Education, Assam.
Subscription Subscribe Here to Get Update Regarding Scheme.
Mode of Apply No Need to Apply for Pragyan Bharati Scheme.

Scheme Introduction

  • The Assam Government has introduced a new Scheme for the girl's students.
  • Under this imitative, the state government will distribute free scooters to girls who meet its eligibility conditions.
  • The main objective of the scheme is to motivate these students to pursue higher education and encourage other students who are going to appear in examination.
  • Department of Higher Education of Assam is the nodal department of this scheme.
  • The name of Scheme is "Pragyan Bharati Scheme" which is popularly known by some other names also such as "Pragyan Bharati Scooty Scheme" or "Pragyan Bharati Achoni".
  • Government of Assam will now provide free of cost scooty to meritorious girl students of state.
  • Free of Cost Scooty under Pragyan Bharati Scheme will be provided to those girls who secure 60% or more marks in Class 12th Board Examinations.
  • Only Girls Students are eligible to get scooty free of cost under this scheme.
  • However, state government also offering free scooters to boys students under their newly announced Dr. Banikanta Kakati Merit Award Scheme.
  • If a girl student is selected for both Pragyan Bharati and Nijut Moina Scheme then she can choose only one scheme to avail benefit.
  • Education Board of Assam will publish the list of meritorious students who have secured 60% or more marks in HSSLC examination.
  • Based on Pragyan Bharati Scheme Beneficiary List, Scooty/ Scooters will be distributed to all eligible girls.
  • It is to be noted that, Girls are not required to pay any registration or insurance charges under the scheme.
  • To claim free scooters under Pragyan Bharati Scheme, an appreciation letter will be issued by the school principal to selected girls.
  • Girl Students need to submit this appreciation letter to the scooty dealer to receive their scooters.
  • Students can check the dealer details on their respective appreciation letter.
  • Once the dealer received the amount from the department, scooty will be provided to students.
  • It is to be hereby noted that Girl Students doesn't have any need to apply separately nor any Pragyan Bharati Scheme Portal or Application Form is available.

Scheme Benefits

  • Government of Assam will provide the following benefits to all eligible girl students under Pragyan Bharati Scheme :-
    • Free of Cost Scooty will be provided.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Free of Cost Scooty under Government of Assam's Pragyan Bharati Scheme will only provided to those studens who fulfull the following eligibility conditions of scheme :-
    • Student should be a Permanent resident of Assam.
    • Only Girl Students are Eligible for Scooty.
    • Girl Student should have secured 60% or above marks in Class 12th.
    • Exam must be conducted by the AHSEC.
    • Students who have dropped or appeared in betterment are not eligible for the scheme.

Required Documents

  • The following documents will be required to be submitted by students at the school in order to avail the benefit of Assam Government's Pragyan Bharati Scheme :-
    • Aadhar Card.
    • School ID.
    • Class 12th Marksheet.
    • Appreciation letter.
    • Undergraduate or Graduate Marksheet.
    • Passport Size photo.

Steps to Apply

  • There is no need to apply for Pragyan Bharati Scheme by students.
  • Pragyan Bharati Scheme benefits will automatically be provided to eligible students.
  • Concerned Education Board will issue a list of students who secure the qualifying marks in the examination.
  • So, Beneficiary Students does not required to submit any Application Form of Pragyan Bharati Scheme of Assam Government.
  • Students whose name appear in the list will receive an appreciation letter from their respective schools.
  • The recieved letter should be submitted to the concerned scooty dealer.
  • Post submission of this letter, dealer will deliver the scooter to students on shared date and time.

Relevant Links

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Person Type Govt







What will boys get if he secured 1st division in class 12 .Only girls have the rights to get the scooty what about the boys hardwork, it is not sured that boys will get the jobs that's why they are not eligible to get the scooty this is not fair,there should be equality among girl's and boys students.



Where all the student work hard so why only girl would get benifit of the scooty scheme. I score 79% in Hs 2nd year this year I won't get anything from government. Why ?
We need justice. Please do the needful.
Thankyou for giving your valuable time in order to read my opinion.



My daughter done her schooling from SFS Dhemaji Assam from LKG to 12 ,She passed class 12 Science with 91% marks... ,Is she eligible for this scheme.I m not from Assam.



If the course and test are same for both boys and girls, then why should only girls avail this scheme benefits and not boys.
Please treat everyone equally in the country like india.



This is roll number 0486-10044 from arya Vidyapeeth College and i secured first division in last HS examination but still i couldn't find my name in the merit list people with low percentage than me were found in the list but not me



I'm a eligible student. Who's name came in merit list of 2023. I'm a boy n had scored 76% in the H.S final but the college where I suppose to get the awkward they are not giving me. The college is Nagaon Girls College. I don't what should do or where should I go if everyone is getting I think deserve it too. Please help

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Rahud basumatary

Dear Assam Goverment
I am very poor student. I go to collage everyday by my cycle 30 km. I got 71% in HS examination and i will say that boys and girls among should get equality. Why girs and boys are different because same syllabus same hard work. Please Assam goverment look down boys condition. I am vary sad to knowing this information😥😢😰😭. Boys will get 75% and girls will get 60% . We neet to get 60% boys student. 😰😭

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