Assam Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan

Submitted by pradeep on Tue, 18/02/2025 - 17:12
Assam CM
Scheme Open
Assam Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan logo
  • A fund of Rs 35,000/- will be provided to Self Help Groups (SHG) Womens.
  • Fund of Rs 10,000/- as a seeded fund in Phase 1.
  • A loan of Rs 12,500/- from the bank and a grant of Rs 12,500/- from the government will be issued over the next two years, in Phase II.
  • The government grant is non-refundable, while the bank loan need to be repaid.
  • Around 40 lakhs women SHG members can become Rural micro entrepreneurs.
  • It ensures an annual income of Rs 1 lakh to each member.
Summary of the Scheme
Name of Scheme Assam Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan
Launch Year 2024.
Benefits Entrepreneurship fund of Rs. 35,000/- to SHG member.
Beneficiary State 39 lakh women SHG members
Nodal Department Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM), and P&RD Department.
Subscription Subscribe here to get Update Regarding Scheme
Mode of Apply Through Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan Application form offline.

Scheme Introduction: A Brief Overview

  • With the aim of generating an annual income of one lakh rupees for all women members of Self Help Group (SHGs).
  • The chief minister of Assam has initiated a program called "Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan".
  • Under this initiative, the women members of SHGs can apply to become rural micro entrepreneurs or Lakhpati Baideos.
  • The Announced scheme is also known by other names such as "Assam Lakhpati Baideo Scheme" or "Assam Chief Minister Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan Yojana"or "Assam Lakhpati Baideo Achoni".
  • As per the information, there are 40 lakh (to be specific 39,42,663) beneficiaries who can avail themselves of the benefits of the scheme.
  • However, in order to receive benefits, the beneficiaries need to fulfill certain eligibility criteria.
  • Under the Assam Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan (MMUA), beneficiaries will receive a sum of Rs 35,000 to start their entrepreneurial journey.
  • In the first year, the beneficiary will receive a seed capital of Rs 10,000/- via DBT mode to give an ignition to their enterprise.
  • This seed funding will primarily help the beneficiary to initiate their business based on the145 business plan prepared by the government.
  • In the following year, the government will thoroughly review how the funds issued in the first year have been utilized.
  • If they receive satisfactory feedback, the beneficiary will receive a grant of Rs 12,500/- from the government.
  • Additionally they will receive a capital of Rs 12,500/- as a loan from the bank, to further strengthen their financial support.
  • The grant issued by the government is non-refundable, but the loan provided by the bank needs to be repaid within the given time frame.
  • To avail of the benefit of the Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan, beneficiaries can submit their application offline.
  • Application forms can be collected from the panchayat office or from the collection center established district wise.
  • After the announcement the women SHG members were so excited that, as per the latest report, 25 lakh women have been registered for the phase 1.
  • For the successful implementation of the seeding round the government allocated a budget of Rs 39 crore for Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan.
  • Such an initiative will motivate women in the state to start their own businesses, increase the literacy rate, especially among girls, and also help to control the state's population.
  • As per the eligibility criteria, women with three children (General and OBC), and four children (SC/ST/Moran/tea tribes) can apply for the scheme.
  • However, these women also need to submit a 'Sankalp Patra' stating that they will restrict the number of children in the future.
  • Furthermore, enrollment of the girl child (if eligible) is mandatory.
  • Whereas, beneficiaries whose children are not eligible for enrollment need to submit a 'Sankalp Patra' stating that they will enroll their child once they attain the required age.

Scheme Benefits

  • The beneficiaries of the Assam Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan are entitled to the following benefits: -
    • In phase 1, beneficiary fulfilling the eligibility criteria will receive Rs. 10,000/-.
    • To strengthen financial support, a loan of Rs 12,500/- from the bank and a grant of Rs 12,500/- from the government will be issued over the next two years, in Phase II.
    • The grant issued by the government is non-refundable, while the loan issued by the bank must be repaid within a given period of time.
    • Around 40 lakhs women SHG members may avail the benefits of the scheme to become Rural micro entrepreneurs.
    • Upon successful implementation, it ensures an annual income of Rs 1 lakh to each member.

Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan

Eligibility Requirements

  • In order to be eligible for the Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan (MMUA), beneficiaries must fulfill the below conditions:-
    General Conditions Child Limitations Additional Conditions
    • Ensure that your Aadhaar card is linked with their bank account.
    • Beneficiaries of General and OBC Categories should not have more than 3 children.
    • If a beneficiary has a girl child, she must be enrolled in school (if attained the required age).
    • Must not be a defaulter of her SHG, banks, federation etc.
    • Beneficiaries of SC/ST/Moran/Matak/Tea Tribes Categories should not have more than 4 children.
    • A signed undertaking is required for future enrollment of the girl not attending the school.
    • A declaration for restricting the number of children shall be required from members having two children.
    • It is mandatory to ensure that the trees planted by the member under the Amrit Brikshya Andolan are alive.

Required Documents

  • While submitting Assam Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan application, beneficiaries must keep their following documents ready: -
    • Aadhaar Card.
    • Bank Documents.
    • SHG related Documents.
    • Passport Size photograph.
    • Business Plan details.
    • Mobile Number.
    • Undertaking for girl child school enrollment in future (if required).
    • Declaration for restriction in children.

Steps to Apply

  • Eligible beneficiaries can apply for the Assam Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan offline.
  • Beneficiaries need to collect their Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan (MMUA) application form from their respective panchayat.
  • Beneficiaries are not required to pay any fee for the application form.
  • Ensure that the application form is original, photostat application form will not be accepted.
  • Fill in the details carefully in the received application form.
  • Paste the latest photograph and affix the list of required documents to satisfy your eligibility.
  • Along with the documents, applicants must submit two 'Sankalp Patra'.
  • One 'Sankalp Patra' is for the enrollment of girl children in school, and the second is for restricting the number of children.
  • After completing the steps, submit the duly filled application form to the officials at Panchayat department.

Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyamita Abhiyan application form distribution

Relevant Links

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Person Type Scheme Type Govt

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Bidisha borah

AAD-MMUA I didn't get the verification message, if it's bychance deleted I don't know


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Harajyoti Nath

How can I get message in my mobile number by using Adhar card number?


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Baijanti basumatary

Bast mahila

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