- Under Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme, stipend of Rs.1400 per month will be granted to the beneficiary for 11 months.
- In addition to that book grant of Rs.1000 per annum will be allotted to the beneficiary.
- Only APST students pursuing higher education are eligible under this scheme.
Customer Care
- Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme Nodal Department Helpline number:-
0360-2214416 - Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme Nodal Department Email:-
Information Brochure
Overview Of the Scheme
Name of the Scheme | Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme. |
Launched in | 2012 |
Benefits |
Beneficiaries | ASPT Students. |
Nodal Department | Directorate of Higher & Technical Education |
Mode of Apply | Online - National Scholarship Portal. |
- Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme was launched in 2012 by Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
- The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to ST students of Arunchal Pradesh so as to enable them to pursue various courses of higher studies.
- Under this scheme, stipend of Rs.1400 per month will be granted to the beneficiary for 11 months.
- In addition to that book grant of Rs.1000 per annum will be allotted to the beneficiary.
- Only APST students pursuing higher education are eligible under this scheme.
- A stipend holder under this scheme will not avail stipend/scholarship from any other source.
- Applicant can apply for this scheme through National Scholarship Portal.
- Applicant should be a permanent resident of Arunachal Pradesh.
- Applicant should belong to Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe category.
- Students pursuing higher education are eligible under this scheme.
- A stipend holder under this scheme will not avail stipend/scholarship from any other source.
- ST students who are in full time employment are not eligible under this scheme.
- A student who fails in a class for a particular course of study/stream shall not be eligible for the award of stipend for that class.
- Students against whom disciplinary action is taken shall not eligible for the award of stipend for that class.
- Students whose attendance is below 75% in any month (unless for certified reason of health or bereavement) shall not be eligible for award of stipend.
- Students who pursue their studies through correspondence course or distance education mode shall not be eligible for stipend.
- Students pursuing their education in institution not recognized by the state shall not be eligible for award of stipend.
- The following stipend will be awarded to the beneficiary pursuing higher education.
Name of courseAmountDurationStipendBook Grant
B.A / B.Com Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months B.Sc Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months MA / M.com / LLB / M.P.Ed / LLM / MPMC / M.Ed Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months M.Sc Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months M.Phil Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months Ph.D Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months B.Sc.Agri. / Horti / For / Seri / Fishery / etc Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months Diploma (Engg) Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months B.E / B.Tech Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months BCA Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months MCA Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months BBA Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months MBA Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months PGDMC Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months TT & HM (Diploma) Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months BFA / MFA Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months B.Ed Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months C.A Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months M.Tech Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months B.V.Sc & AH Rs.1400 per month Rs.1000 per annum 11 months
Documents Required
- ASPT Certificate.
- Aadhaar Card.
- Mark Sheet of the last examination passed.
- Students Identitiy Card.
- Bank Account Details.
- Admission Receipt of the Students for current academic session.
How to Apply
- The only mode to apply for this scheme is through National Scholarship Portal.
- Candidate have to register themselves first by clicking on New Registration.
- Candidate have to fill required details :-
- State of Domicile.
- Select scholarship category post matric.
- Name.
- Select Scheme Type Scholarship.
- Date of Birth.
- Gender.
- Mobile Number.
- Email Id.
- Bank IFSC Code.
- Bank Account Number.
- Aadhar Number.
- After Filling all the necessary details, click on Register.
- With log in credential given to you by portal, Log in to submit your application.
- Select Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme, fill all the required details and click on submit the application.
- The application will be scrutinized by the institution where the student is studying and also the State Education Board of the State/UT where the student resides and then the selected candidate would be intimated through Email or SMS.
Important Links
- Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme Guidelines.
- Directorate of Higher & Technical Education Portal.
- National Scholarship Portal.
Contact Details
- Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme Nodal Department Helpline number:-
0360-2214416 - Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme Nodal Department Email:-
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Matching schemes for sector: Education
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Arunachal Pradesh UPSC Combined Civil Services Coaching Scheme | Arunachal Pradesh |
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Please help me
SIR MERE COLLEGE ME ARUNACHAL PARDESH KE 23 STUDENTS NE MBA ME SESSION 2023-24 ME ADM liya tha /Par bo admission cancel ho gai h Parntu sabhi students ne umbrella scheme post matric St students Arunachal Pradesh ki scholarship key form fill kar diye the aur college ne sabhi form ko approved kar diya tha
Aab college sabhi students ki scholarship ko cancrel karwana chata h please guide kya kare
Jitender kumar tyagi (SCHLARSHIP INCHARGE)
Mail Id tyagityagi1223@gmail.com
Will the student recieve stipend if he or she is disqualified for semester exams
I have applied two years but never got the amount
(No subject)
Can I get scholarship/stipend even when I m studying outside arunachal pradesh
B.A political science
I can't get scholarship 2 yrs
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