No any scholarship amount credited in student's mother account

Dear all my Daughter UID number is : 240915013341520006 Sanchaniya Bansari Bhupendra Bhai is studying in Atmiya sarveshvar Vidya mandir yogidham campus kalavad road rajkot in 10th std English medium. Still No any amount part credit in his mother account of Namo Lakshmi yojna Ana no any proper answer given by school it is very poor and too late so pls credit scholarship as soon as possible.



No any amount credit in Namo Lakshmi yojna

Your Name
Bhupendra sanchaniya

Dear all my Daughter UID number is : 240915013341520006 Sanchaniya Bansari Bhupendra Bhai is studying in Atmiya sarveshvar Vidya mandir yogidham campus kalavad road rajkot in 10th std English medium. Still No any amount part credit in his mother account of Namo Lakshmi yojna Ana no any proper answer given by school it is very poor and too late so pls credit scholarship as soon as possible.

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