Bihar Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana

Submitted by pradeep on Tue, 18/02/2025 - 17:09
Bihar CM
Scheme Open
Bihar Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana Image
  • A subsidy of Rs 5 Lakh is provided for purchasing buses.
  • Subsidy amount will be credited to the beneficiary bank account.
  • People who took a loan for the bus can use this amount for installment only.
  • Seven people from each block can avail of the subsidy.
Summary of the Scheme
Name of Scheme Bihar Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana
Launch Year 2023
Benefits A subsidy of Rs 5,00,000/- for purchasing buses and mini buses.
Beneficiary Domicile resident of Bihar with a valid Driving License.
Nodal Department Bihar Transport Department.
Subscription Subscribe here to get Update Regarding Scheme
Mode of Apply Through Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana Application.

Scheme Introduction: A Brief Overview

  • Are you looking to purchase a bus in Bihar? If yes, this could be a golden opportunity for you, as the Bihar Government is providing subsidies for bus purchases.
  • Government will distribute subsidies to eligible applicants through an initiative called the "Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana".
  • Under this initiative, a subsidy of Rs 5,00,000/- will be granted to each eligible applicant intending to buy a bus.
  • Applicants bought buses under the scheme are eligible but preference will be given to applicants with mini buses.
  • The primary objective of the scheme is to improve transportation services and to connect blocks and remote panchayats with the district headquarter and to generate employment for unemployed residents.
  • Permanent resident of Bihar with a valid driving license can avail of the subsidy benefits provided under the Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana.
  • The announced scheme is also known by other names such as "Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Scheme". Or "Chief Minister Prakhand Parivahan Yojana".
  • The government aims to implement this scheme in every block across the state, except district headquarter blocks.
  • Authority will select 7 beneficiaries from each block, where 2 applicants will be from SC category , 2 from EBC category, and one beneficiary each from the BC, Minority and General categories.
  • An additional applicant from the SC category will be selected from a block where the SC population is more than 1000.
  • Bus purchased under the scheme cannot be transferred for five years without prior written approval from sub divisional officers.
  • In case applicants have taken a loan to purchase the bus, the subsidy amount can only be used for loan repayment.
  • For scheme implementation, the government has appointed the state transport department as its nodal authority.
  • To receive benefits of Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana, the minimum age of the application must be at least 18 years and should not be employed in any government office.
  • It is mandatory for the applicant to be a resident of the block from which the application is submitted.
  • Applicants fulfilling all the eligibility criteria can apply for the Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana.
  • Application forms for Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana are accepted online through the Transport Department Official Portal.
  • After receiving the application, it will be reviewed by the department and a list of successful applicants will be prepared in the manner stated below : -
    • Marks obtained in Matric (High School).
    • Applicants with similar marks, preference will be given to the older one.
  • Apart from the selection list, authorities will also share a waiting list for Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana.
  • Authority will publish both the selected and waiting list in the concerned district transport office.
  • In case of any objection related to the list published, applicants can submit their objection within three days of publication.
  • A final list for Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana will be released after the objection period is completed.
  • After purchasing the bus, the selected beneficiary can submit a grant application to the district transport officer.
  • The authority will transfer the grant amount to the beneficiary bank account through CFMS within 7 days of its grant application submission.

Scheme Benefits

  • The Bihar government provides the following benefits to eligible beneficiaries under the Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana : -
    • To purchase buses the government will provide subsidies to each beneficiary.
    • A subsidy of Rs 5,00,000/- will be provided to each eligible beneficiaries.
    • Seven people from each block can avail of the subsidy in the following manner : -
      • Two from the Scheduled Caste Category.
      • Two from the Extremely Backward Classes.
      • One from Backward Class.
      • One from the Minority community.
      • One from the general category.

Eligibility Requirements

  • To receive a subsidy of Rs 5,00,000/- provided under the Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana, beneficiaries must meet the following eligibility criteria : -
    • Must be a domiciled resident of Bihar.
    • Possess a valid driving license issued by the Bihar Transport Department.
    • Applicants should be at least 18 years old.
    • Must be a resident of the block from which the application is submitted.
    • Not employed in government job.
    • Belong to one of the following categories such as : -
      • Scheduled Category.
      • Scheduled Tribe.
      • Extremely Backward Class.
      • Backward Class
      • Minority.
      • General.

Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana Eligibility Details

Required Documents

  • Keep the following documents or details ready while applying for the Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana : -
    • Caste Certificate.
    • Domicile Certificate.
    • Matric Certificate.
    • Aadhaar Card.
    • Driving License.

Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana Documents list

Steps to Apply

  • To receive a subsidy of Rs 5,00,000/- applicants need to apply for Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana.
  • Application form for Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana can be submitted online.
  • Online application form for Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana are available at Bihar Transport Department Website.
  • Application links remain active for a specific period in a year, it is mandatory for the applicants to submit their application within a given time frame.
  • To submit an application online, applicants need to first register on the portal.

Registration Process

  • Go to the Official Website of Bihar Transport Department.
  • On the home page, select "Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana".
    Mukhyamantri prakhand parivahan yojana tab
  • Next, click on the 'Apply Online' tab.
    Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana Link
  • For registration applicants need to share the following details : -
    • Phone Number.
    • Driving License Number.
    • Password.
    • Enter Email ID (If any).
  • Enter the Captcha Code and press the register tab.
  • Applicants will receive the registration details through SMS on their mobile number.

Application Form Process

  • To fill the application form, registered applicants need to login with their details.
  • Tap on the 'Login' tab appears on your screen.
    Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana Login
  • Now, enter your 'Username' and 'Password' and press the login tab.
  • Once logged in, an application form will appear on your screen.
    Mukhyamantri Prakhand parivahan Yojana Application Form
  • Enter your personal, communication, academic and other details correctly.
  • Check the declaration box and press the 'save and next' tab.
  • In the next page, upload your documents in the given size (up to 400 kb) and format (PDF or JPG).
  • Once the document is uploaded press the 'Submit' tab.
  • Applicants will receive intimation on its mobile number regarding the application submission.
  • Submitted applications will be verified by the authority and if selected an SMS will be sent on your mobile number.
  • Applicants must submit their application before its deadline.
  • The last date to submit Mukhyamantri Prakhand Parivahan Yojana application form can be checked in the notification.

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